It was just the
three of us that night, Megan, Ron and Jim and China Plate on the Wednesday
night of a sitting week must be the place to be pollie spotting. . As
Ron emailed later "We had a fun
dinner last night at China Plate. Quite a representation from the political
scene were present. There was a gaggle of journos sharing a table with pollies
from both sides of the house of reps. JC and PC were recognised among them. MF
from the senate was spotted at another table. The star performer of course was CP
with entourage, at a table down the back. His charming act for the evening was
to be seen eating his meal from a bowl perched on his rather substantial belly.
(Ref photo of Jim with two tables of pollies and their acolytes in the background)Wine: Mc Clay Rod
Food: soft
shell Crab: a duck dish (forgotten what) and aubergine.
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